ISO Flange
Sanitary Fittings

ISO Flanges are vacuum flanges of larger sizes and essential components of vacuum fittings.  ISO vacuum flanges are used to connect vacuum chambers, tubing, or vacuum pumps to each other.

Wellgrow supplies several types of ISO flanges, including ISO blank flanges, bored flanges, and bolted flanges.  These flanges are made of either stainless steel 304 or 316L, both of which offer excellent corrosion resistance, high tensile strength, and durability.

Material: Stainless Steel 304, 316L
Size: ISO63 ~ ISO500
Vacuum Range: Down to 10-8 Torr

  • ISO Blank Flange SS304
    Model No. A B C D E
    IBL-63 95 90 12 70 4.5
    IBL-80 110 105 12 83 4.5
    IBL-100 130 125 12 102 4.5
    IBL-160 180 175 12 153 4.5
    IBL-200 240 235 12 213 4.5
    IBL-250 290 285 12 261 4.5
    IBL-320 370 365 17 318 4.5
    IBL-400 450 445 17 400 4.5
    IBL-500 550 545 17 501 4.5
  • ISO Bored Flange SS304
    Model No. A B C D E F
    IBF-63 95 90 12 63.7 70 4.5
    IBF-80 110 105 12 76.4 83 4.5
    IBF-100 130 125 12 101.8 102 4.5
    IBF-160 180 175 12 152.9 153. 4.5
    IBF-200 240 235 12 203.7 213 4.5
    IBF-250 290 285 12 254.5 261 4.5
    IBF-320 370 365 17 305.3 318 4.5
    IBF-400 450 445 17 406.9 400 4.5
    IBF-500 550 545 17 508.8 501 4.5
  • ISO Bolted Flange SS304
    Model No. A B C D E P.C.D
    IBTF-63 130 70 12 63.7 9x4 110
    IBTF-80 145 83 12 76.4 9x8 125
    IBTF-100 165 102 12 101.8 9x8 145
    IBTF-160 225 153 16 152.9 11x8 200
    IBTF-200 285 213 16 203.7 11x12 260
    IBTF-250 335 261 16 254.5 11x12 310
    IBTF-320 425 318 20 305.3 14x12 395
    IBTF-400 510 400 20 406.9 14x16 480
    IBTF-500 610 510 20 508.8 14x16 580